Presentation: "Hair Straightening in the Hispanic Caribbean: Race, Commodification, Neurosis, and Passing Mestizidad" at CAA.
Panel co-chair, along with IDSVA PhD Candidate, Jocelyn Holmes, of the session: "Decolonial Aesthetics: Toward Artistic and Philosophical Interventions" at SECAC in Richmond, VA.
Presentation: "Doris Salcedo’s Plegaria Muda: Remembering the Everyday Aesthetics of the Colombian Civil War" at the American Society for Aesthetics in Philadelphia, PA. April 2023.
Presentation: "Tragedy is Not Kitsch: Memories & Representations of Archbishop Romero in El Salvador," at the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association in San Antonio, TX. April 2023.
Presentation: "The Staff-Scholar: Bordering Identities in Academia" at the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association in San Antonio, TX. April 2023.
Presentation: "Hair Straightening in the Hispanic Caribbean: Race, Commodification, Neurosis, and Passing Mestizidad" at CAA.
Presenteation:"Aesthetic (Moral) Agency and a Viceroyal Peru" at the Universities Art Association of Canada (UAAC).
Presentation: "Hair Straightening in the Hispanophone Caribbean and Beyond" at the American Society for Aesthetics
Presentation: "The Invention of Hair Straightening in the Hispanic Carribean Community: Race, Commodification, Neurosis, and Passing Mestizo/a" at the American Society for Aesthetics Eastern Division annual meeting