Presentation: with Kelly Gawel (PhD, The New School), and Ciclón Olivares (Pratt Institute) “Counter-normative Kinship as Jouissance: Celebrating Co-Created Decolonial Space” for the conference Feminist Making, Doing, & Sensing at philoSOPHIAin Southern Alberta, Canada, March 16, 2024.
Presentation: with Kelly Gawel (PhD, The New School), and Ciclón Olivares (Pratt Institute) “Counter-normative Kinship as Jouissance: Celebrating Co-Created Decolonial Space” for the conference Feminist Making, Doing, & Sensing at philoSOPHIAin Southern Alberta, Canada, March 16, 2024.
Presentation: with Kelly Gawel (PhD, The New School) “Intimate Reclamations: Aesthetic Practices of Care” for the panel How do feminist artists care? at the College Art Association conference in Chicago, February 16, 2024.