Co-Curator: "Futuring the Past: Contemporary Explorations of Traditional Performance Practices in Technology" at the The Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS) 2021 National Conference
Performed "Prelude: Site of Becoming" at the Denizen Arts Project, September 2024. This is the opening movement of a larger work, "Journey of a Thousand Dreams" (Fall '25).
Received the Independence Fellowship: Dance, titled: "Journey of a Thousand Dreams."
Publication: The “Ring Shout”: A Corporeal Conjuring of Black-Togetherness.
Co-Curator: "Futuring the Past: Contemporary Explorations of Traditional Performance Practices in Technology" at the The Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS) 2021 National Conference
Appointment: Assistant Professor of Dance at Temple University, Boyer College of Music and Dance, with a focus on Africanist Perspectives in Contemporary Dance Practices
Appointment: Coordinator of African Diasporic Dance Series (Temple University).
Presentation: "Agbadza: Return! Go, Take!" at the Collegium for African Diaspora Dance 4th Bi-Annual Conference.