Appointment: Director and Chief Curator at the University of Wyoming Art Museum, 2020.
Paper: “Reimagining Ethnographic Objects: Moving Beyond Repatriation in Decolonizing Museums” for the panel Restitution Beyond Repatriation: Rethinking African Art and the Question of Decolonizing Museums at the CAA conference in New York.
Co-plenary speaker for the Social Justice Institute Think Tank at Case Western University, Cleveland, OH.
Co-presents the paper “Beyond the Exhibit: Museums as Foundational Training Grounds for Future Lawyers” at the ICOM-UMAC & Universeum conference in Dresden, Germany.
Interview with KUNR Public Radio:
Publication: Chapted titled "Stealing Culture: The Internationalization of Critical Race Theory Through the Intersection of Criminal Law and Museum Studies" in the book Critical Race Theory in the Academy, Information Age Publishing.
Appointment: Director and Chief Curator at the University of Wyoming Art Museum, 2020.