Ana Fernandez Miranda Texidor

November 20, 2021

Solo Exhibition: "Valientes Hombres de mi Patria: the remake" at Centro Cultural Metropolitano Quito.


February 1, 2024

Publication: Diarios Andinos de las Tierras del Sol Recto in the "Andean Diaries of the Land of the Rectilinear Sun." 2024.

Job Appointment

December 13, 2023

Adjunct Instructor Drawing and Spatial Perception and Visual Poetics Workshop at Catholic University. Quito

Group Exhibition Participation

November 23, 2023

Group Exhibition: "Enredos Radicales. Radical Entanglements" in The Plant Contingent Collective group show and performance in Quito, Ecuador.

Conference Presentation

November 11, 2023

Presentation: "The Artist yachag and the ceremony of yage as cannibalistic performance."

Group Exhibition Participation

July 24, 2023

Group Exhibition "Las Tierras sin Nombre, Speculative fiction and the Museum."


July 21, 2023

Received the 2023 "62 Salón de Julio Guayaquil Ecuador Award."

Conference Presentation

February 6, 2023

Presentation: “Art as Seeds for New Beginnings, the Work of Artist Angelica Alomoto” in the panel Ecocritical Art Historíes in Indigenous Latin America at the CAA 2023.


June 1, 2022

Award: Adolph and Esther Gottlieb individual support grant. The Gottlieb foundation awards 20 individual support grants to artists who are in a mature phase of their careers.

Conference Presentation

December 2, 2021

Presentation: "The Artist Yachag and the Ceremony of Yagé as Cannibalistic Performance" at the IV Ecuadorian Anthropology and Archaeology Congress in Quito, Ecuador.

Group Exhibition Participation

December 9, 2021

Group Exhibition: "Un jardín nuestro (A garden of our own)" at the Museo de los Metales, Cuenca-Ecuador.

Solo Exhibition

November 20, 2021

Solo Exhibition: "Valientes Hombres de mi Patria: the remake" at Centro Cultural Metropolitano Quito.


December 22, 2019

Publication: "Medicinal Garden, reflections on two essays by Martin Heidegger" in INDEX Contemporary Art Magazine.

Conference Presentation

October 22, 2020

Presentation: "Voyage through the River in the House of Plant" at the Visuality and Power Colloquium

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